
Radiologic Technology

Since she was a junior in high school, 莎拉Hunsicker knew that radiologic technology was her preferred career path. She had always had an interest in human anatomy, and a visit to a diagnostic imaging facility that a family friend worked at helped her find the perfect career.

"They showed me the different rooms for nuclear medicine, CAT扫描, 核磁共振成像, and X-ray and I remember being so fascinated while walking through the facility,亨斯克说.

Hunsicker grew up in a family full of healthcare workers and first responders, and said she has always been fascinated with neuroscience and how the brain works. Her dream career would involve medical imaging of the brain to help learn more about the physiology and function of the brain. Enrolling at Delaware Tech and obtaining her associate degree is the first step toward her dream career.

After learning about the SEED Scholarship Program from her high school guidance counselor, Hunsicker knew attending Delaware Tech was the right opportunity for her.

"The SEED program helped me during my time at Delaware Tech because I was able to focus more on my classes,她说. "I didn't have to worry about picking up a lot of shifts at work to pay for my tuition out of pocket. I just knew that I needed to cover the cost of books, and the fees on my own. This allowed me to spend more time in the library or in class to focus on my studies."

Hunsicker had to persevere through a few challenges early in her time at Delaware Tech in order to be accepted into the radiologic technology program. She enrolled in 2018 and first applied to the program in 2019, but didn't get accepted due to a poor grade in chemistry. As she focused on improving her grades, the COVID-19 pandemic forced her to adapt to a virtual learning environment. While studying in her bedroom or at a dining room table with siblings, Hunsicker not only improved her grades enough to be accepted into the program, but made the President's List for academic excellence.

"These obstacles have taught me that throughout life, you'll be faced with different challenges, and not everything will go exactly the way that you had planned,她说. "Depending on how you respond to these challenges will often determine the outcome. Through a lot of hard work, 的决心, and support from my family, 朋友, and my academic advisor, I was able to overcome these obstacles and it has overall shaped me into a better student."

毕业后, Hunsicker hopes to begin working full time in her field while continuing her education and pursuing a bachelor's degree in health sciences. She would eventually like to cross train into another diagnostic medical modality.

"I do know that I want to continue learning new things about the human body and I want to share what I know with my peers and potentially incoming students,亨斯克说.



Radiologic Technology

Sarah is a member of the Radiologic Technology Club